id 5083010

Glass Carboys Demi Johns

up to 7 available subject to prior sale $25 each Perfect for wine making 23 Litres each
Views: 75
andydeeee:Feb 9, 5:25 AM
id 4282816

Wine making equipment

All equipment you need for making wine, 3 dozen wine bottles, carboy, corks, corker,...
Lake Country
Views: 11
Mary Louise:Feb 8, 6:00 PM
id 4696164

Keg dispenser spout

Beer dispenser for kegs 10.00 each One with red lettering is gone. Available if ad is...
Lake Country
Views: 12
Mary Louise:Feb 8, 5:58 PM
id 4947793

Beer making

Beer making container. I never used this so don’t know if it works also a smaller beer...
Lake Country
Views: 12
Mary Louise:Feb 8, 5:57 PM
id 4943891

Plastic beer bottles for u brew

One case of 24 500 ml. beer or cider bottles and black plastic carrying box $20.00...
Lake Country
Views: 14
Mary Louise:Feb 8, 5:57 PM
id 4980636

Dozen long necked beer bottles

There are 4 dozen long necked beer bottles for home brewing. $12 a dozen
Lake Country
Views: 22
Mary Louise:Feb 8, 5:54 PM
id 4980639

Wooden crates for beer making

4 wooden crates each holds a dozen bottles $15 each.
Lake Country
Views: 30
Mary Louise:Feb 8, 5:53 PM
id 5024451

Wooden wine rack

Wooden wine rack 36 1/2” high holds 25 bottles. Would make a nice wine bar or table.
Lake Country
Views: 15
Mary Louise:Feb 8, 5:44 PM
id 4986654


Brand new Conglomerate 1.5 inch wine corks. Still in original sealed bags. Will fit...
West Kelowna
Views: 191
pietspie:Feb 8, 10:17 AM
id 4986659


New shrink caps for regular sized bottles. Black with gold colored tops. Still in...
West Kelowna
Views: 47
pietspie:Feb 8, 10:16 AM