id 5107722

Fuel tanks

Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
Two fuel tanks with stand, nozzles and hoses. Great condition, no leaks. 300 gallon...
Views: 157
harvey mann:Feb 13, 4:53 AM
id 5107718

Gooseneck trailer

Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
Goose neck trailer 8ft by 16ft 2 and 5/16 ball Rebuilt entire trailer New electric...
Views: 255
harvey mann:Feb 13, 4:53 AM
id 5091526

2 - Orchard Picking Ladders

Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
$190 each for two great ladders Falcon Aluminum Orchard Picking Ladder Solid...
Views: 357
Forbidden Spirits:Feb 11, 3:21 PM
id 5117283

2020 John Deere Tractor 3025E

Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
Comes with front bucket and back hoe. Extremely low hours, 120 and no tax on sale.
Views: 232
SamanthaMalone:Feb 9, 11:14 AM
id 5103099

Massey Ferguson 1726E Tractor

Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
2019 model year 4x4 Massey Ferguson MF1726E diesel tractor with loader. Purchased new...
Views: 908
Uboat007:Feb 8, 8:50 AM
id 4896515

New Implement Jack

Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
New Implement Jack. Just collecting dust, Call 250-878-3500
Views: 982
dirt diggler:Feb 8, 12:17 AM
id 4995694

Speidle wine tanks

Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
2- Spiedle 5800 Liter tanks max cooling jacket manway 400x320 3' bottom drain and...
Views: 176
alanal:Feb 7, 1:40 PM
id 5116770

Diesel/ heating oil Tank

Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
Old tank used for diesel furnace, 1100 litres. Would be great for gravity fed fuel...
West Kelowna
Views: 104
TylerMarks:Feb 7, 10:16 AM
id 4670796


Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
Auger for farm tractor.Heavy duty unit.3 point hitch.Hasn't been used much.Has been...
Views: 8
O0O:Feb 4, 2:20 AM
id 5035528

Int'l Harvester Tractor Shop Manual

Commercial-Business/Heavy Equipment/Farm Equipment
International Harvester Tractor Shop Manual. $15. Phone John at 250-762-8617.
Views: 510
Lauriebw:Feb 2, 8:12 AM